The Dialogues of Plato Four Volume Set Translated by B. Jowett, M.A., Copyright 1911
The Dialogues of Plato Four Volume Set Translated by B. Jowett, M.A., Copyright 1911
Here is an outstanding complete four volume set of the Dialogues of Plato, translated into English with analyses and introductions by B. Jowett, M.A., master of Balliol College and Regius professor of Greek in the University of Oxford. These books were published by Charles Scribner's Sons of New York in 1911. The books are in good condition with signs of wear from normal handling and use. The bindings of the books are solid. There are notations throughout all four books, written in pen and in pencil, but generally on the margins, so as not to interfere with reading. A previous owner signed their name in the front page.