Pharoah's Horses Pewter and Enamel Belt Buckle by Bergamont Brass Works, 1983
Pharoah's Horses Pewter and Enamel Belt Buckle by Bergamont Brass Works, 1983
This belt buckle features the iconic Pharoah's Horses in solid pewter, set against a black enamel field, and flanked on either side by green enamel accents. This buckle was made in the USA by Bergamont Brass Works in 1983 and is marked K-146.
This belt buckle is in great condition and looks like it was rarely worn. There is very little to no wear in the pewter, and the enamel is intact and the colors bold.
This item measures 3.25 x 2.25 inches and accommodates belts up to 1.75" in width.