Chalkware Abraham Lincoln Bookends by Roman Art Co. Inc., 1924
Chalkware Abraham Lincoln Bookends by Roman Art Co. Inc., 1924
This charming pair of chalkware bookends commemorate the life of the sixteenth United States President, Abraham Lincoln, who is pictured in a dignified pose reminiscent of the Lincoln Memorial. They were manufactured in 1924 by Roman Art Co. Inc as part of their Robia Ware line out of St. Louis, Missouri. While the bookends look quite nice, they are in fair condition. Each bookend has significant chipping in the chalkware, paint loss, and staining. One bookend once had the head broken off and glued back on. The seam where the head was reattached is visible. Still, they would make great bookends or shelf decorations for a collector of Abraham Lincoln antiques.
Dimensions (per bookend): 3.75" L x 5" W x 6.25" H